Sunday, May 22, 2016

DIY: weight loss tracker

I'm going on a weight loss journey! And I've decided to make a weight loss journal to keep track of my progress, I didn't know where to start so of course I headed to the headquarters of everything crafty (Pinterest) to get some ideas. I saw a lot of great printable and and examples and also came across this thing called a bullet journal which I think everyone should go check out! The one thing that really caught my attention was weight loss trackers that looked like maps. I really liked that you could shade in your progress as you go. I like seeing things in the bigger picture and seeing progress when I get down on myself. Some times it may feel overwhelming looking at it all and seeing how much "progress" I still have to accomplish but I believe in myself!
So now that I've made my weight loss tracker I want to show you guys and gals how I did mine and hopefully this inspires you to make one of your own if you are also embarking on a weight loss journey. But! Remember you are perfect as you are, and if you do embark on this journey do it for yourself and no one else!


  1. Graphing paper (not a must but it made it way easier)
  2. Ruler
  3. Ball Point Pens (I chose red and black)
  4. Pencil 
Step One: 
for reference I drew in a couple of finished rectangles with numbers and arrows. So in this image I placed the ruler two(graphing) squares above the previous row, it is important to keep track of the space you are leaving btwn each box, you dont want things to start looking uneven.

Step Two:
Now you need to draw out your first row that will later complete your boxes.
Once you have figured out spacing from top to bottom, you need to figure out how much space is going to be left btwn each box and the dimensions of said box. I made each box three squares wide and left a space of two squares btwn each box. 
(if you're not to sure about your dimensions do it in pencil)
First row

Step Three:
After figuring out dimensions and drawing in your first row, the next step is to draw another set of lines directly above the previous set of lines. In this step you will be figuring out the height here I made my box two squares high!

Step Four:
Line up the squares to close them up

Step Five:
Draw your arrows here I chose red for my arrows 

Step Six:
Write in your numbers until finished. My goal weight is 140 so I stopped here!

I think the hardest part is figuring out your dimensions this was weight loss tracker that I am showing you guys is actually my second attempt, and Im pretty happy with the result!  

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