Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Quarter Life Crisis

So..... the first time a heard quarter life crisis it was from the youtube chick gaby where she hit 25 and was like what the hell am i doing with my life. She freaked out like I am doing now but she did something about it. She changed it all up, well you guys I'm going through my quarter life crisis. Its time to change shit up!

I'm honestly like what the fuck am I doing here, I have a job, I have  a roof over my head I'm lucky enough to have a fucken degree but damnit I still fell so unsuccessful. Like right now I'm sitting in a class and can't even focus because well I just don't have it together. I want it all I want everything to be prefect and this perfect life. I know thats not a real thing but my life is so shitty right now I want to get as close to it as I possibly can.

So lets fucken do this! Lets do something about it. I want to do some wild shit and some spiritual soul searching stuff too. I want to find a good middle ground, I want to live the most amazing crazy fulfilling life for myself. but where to begin really? wtf do i want to do any way?

I don't know lets find out. BTW I started a new Instagram account angiesdebtfree go check that shit out. I'm currently on a debt free journey and posting whatever the fuck I want their too. This will be my new social media insta. I'm removing the old one.

love you bye!

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