Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Free Debt Tracker Google Doc

When I began my debt free journey I scoured all of Pinterest for a debt free tracker to help me keep up with my goals and…. I found nothing. Well I did find some printables that looked super cute and excel sheets that were really technical but none worked for me. Instead of wasting more of my time finding the “perfect one” I made my own! I made it simple for me, easy to use, and most importantly I made it digital because let’s be honest who writes stuff down anymore? I mean no shade to those who have a budget planner I’m totally jelly and I love looking at YouTube videos of you guys doing them but it’s not my style I’m more of a digital girl.

I wanted to share my debt free trackers with you all for free because they're simple to use and maybe they’ll help you too. And maybe its exactly what you’ve been searching for too! You can click on the download link so it can take you straight to Google drive; where you can download it print it or save it to your own Google drive. I recommend the latter of the three because downloading it sometimes the font doesn’t transfer over but you can also download it as a pdf hmmmm decisions decisions... Whatever floats your boat I just hope this sheet helps!

1st Overall Debt Free Tracker


Here you can add all of your debts you are currently paying off and track them month to month. Like I said I wanted to make this as simple as possible so this is a general overview of everything you are paying. I track mine in terms of totals because it’s easier for me to keep track of everything if they are in larger chunks.

I put total credit cards in one category instead of writing them all out. You can do this for your student loans if they are under the same provider, as I did, or write them in terms of smallest to largest, but this is just an over view of your debts and what categories they fall into.

Also for all of these please feel free to change them up or use them as a reference, do what works for you!

2nd Credit Card Debt Tracker


Now here is the sheet where I break things down for myself in more detail. Here I lists all of our credit cards we are currently working on and, following the Dave Ramsey method, we arrange our debts from smallest to largest. Since I am only paying the minimums on my other debts I don’t include them here. Why? Well for my sanity I broke down the process into chunks, I am going to pay off my debt in these order chunks: credit cards, small student loans, cars, and larger student loans. Focusing on my payments in smaller chunks I am able to pay the minimums on the debt I am not working on and clearly focus on the debt category I am currently attacking

For this one I laid out an example excel sheet and a blank excel sheet on the Google doc. Because this is the one I am most proud of! Here is the breakdown of this excel sheet it’s sorted into three initial categories: the initial debt owed when you start, then minimum payments due (so you don’t have to keep pulling that information over and over), and the initial debt snow ball (which is what you anticipate to pay for that month).
From this point on it gets easier, for every month I have it broken down into two categories: total debts at the start of the month and the debt snowball for that month, and these two categories just carry on within the sheet until you’re done paying off those debts. Again as the previous excel sheet this is auto calculated so you can make changes and see the auto calculated totals change at the bottom.

Here is how I do my own debt snowball using this excel sheet: my husband and I have a certain amount that we can pay towards debt. Based on our calculations we can pay about $1,600. So what I do is tweak the numbers in my debt snowball total for each credit card until I get to the desired $1,600 at the bottom (which is auto calculated). And of course I know things happen along the way and some times the numbers need to be changed mid-month, that's okay! changing stuff around on the Google doc is really easy!  we have it on hand anywhere any time! Did I mention you can shared the document with someone and allow them to make changes too? well you can! just save this tracker to your Google drive and share your own spreadsheet with whoever you want!

3rd Interest Rates Tracker 

debt tracker


This last one is super simple! It’s just all of my debts and their interest rates. Now I don’t really use the interest paid section as much as I thought I would so I left that blank but if you find something cool to do with it let me know! Maybe I can try it too!
Hope you guys like it! k bye!

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