Sunday, May 22, 2016

DIY: Making Old Frames like New

How to make old ugly frames like new. I wanted to change my room to black i had these yellow frames so i used a black spray can and sprayed the two frames black. i did this outside since the smell is too strong for me
 I had a couple trail and errors with this project. the best technique i came up with was to spray in the direction of the wind, keep some distance about a foot away, and spray in a back and forth motion. they helps so you don"t get bubbles on your frames like i did. 
remember keep your distance and spray in a back and forth motion. this project did not cost me a thing since i used paint around my house, it took me about 10 minutes to do both frames. fast and easy. 
you could also use paint instead of a spray can, your choice. 
happy crafting.

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